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PeakTech 4980 - Dual-Laser-Pointer IR-Thermometer -50 +800 °C


Dual-Laser-Pointer IR-Thermometer, -50 to +800 °C

* Not suitable for human body temperature measurement *

New innovative IR-Thermometer allows non-contact (infrared) temperature measurements at the touch of a button.
The built-in dual laser pointer increases target accuracy while the backlight LCD and handy pushbuttons combine for convenient, ergonomic operation.
These non-contact infrared thermometers can be used to measure the temperature of objects surface that is improper to be measured by traditional (contact) thermometers such as moving objects, the surface with electricity current or the objects which are uneasy to be touched.

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Dual-Laser-Pointer IR-Thermometer, -50 to +800 °C

New innovative IR-Thermometer allows non-contact (infrared) temperature measurements at the touch of a button.
The built-in dual laser pointer increases target accuracy while the backlight LCD and handy pushbuttons combine for convenient, ergonomic operation.
These non-contact infrared thermometers can be used to measure the temperature of objects surface that is improper to be measured by traditional (contact) thermometers such as moving objects, the surface with electricity current or the objects which are uneasy to be touched.

  • Emissivity digitally adjustable from 0.10 to 1.0
  • MAX temperature displays
  • Automatic selection range and display resolution 0.1 °C (0.1 °F)
  • Switch over of single and duration measurements possible
  • Alarm-function of high and low values, chosen freely adjustable over the complete measuring range
  • Precise non-contact measurements
  • Automatic data hold
  • Wide range application: plastic molding, asphalt, marine, screen printing, measure ink and dryer temperature, HVAC/R, diesel and flat maintenance, safety and fire control
  • Safety: IEC-0825-1
  • Accessories: carrying case, battery, manual
Range (IR) -50 to +20 °C / 20 to 800 °C (-58 to +68 °F / 68 to 1472 °F)
Accuracy ±(1.0 % + 1° C (1.8° F))
Response time 150 ms
Resolution 0.1 °C / °F
Optical resolution 20:1 (distance to spot size)
Emissvity Adjustable from 0.10 to 1.00
Operation voltage 9 V battery
Dimensions (WxHxD)   104 x 146 x 43 mm3
Weight 170 g


Manual 4950

PeakTech_P 4975_P 4980_08-2021_DE-EN-FR-IT-ES.pdf

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