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Laboratory Power Supply

PeakTech 6130 - Laboratory Power Supply in 1V steps, DC 1-15V 10A + AC 1-15V 10A


Laboratory Power Supply in 1V steps, DC 1-15V 10A + AC 1-15V 10A

New developed power supply for DC and AC voltages.
Especially concepted for science investigation, technical education, electrical industry and servicing of AC-circuits, transformers, illumination.
The durable power supply connects easy handling with a good performance.

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Laboratory Power Supply in 1V steps, DC 1-15V 10A + AC 1-15V 10A

New developed power supply for DC and AC voltages.
Especially concepted for science investigation, technical education, electrical industry and servicing of AC-circuits, transformers, illumination.
The durable power supply connects easy handling with a good performance.

  • Output voltage in 15 steps
  • Short circuit protection
  • Safety: EN 61010-1
  • Accessories: power cable, manual

Output voltage 1 to 15V in 15 steps
Output current 10A max
Output power 150W max

Output voltage 1 to 15V in 15 steps
Output current 10A max
Output power 150W max

Over temperature protection  Temperature controlled fan
Operating voltage 115/230 V AC; 50/60 Hz switchable externally
Dimension (WxHxD) 170x166x286mm3
Weight 8.5kg